Carrier Neutral Data Center with Managed Connectivity

Primary Italian and international operators interconnected with ultra-redundant connectivity

Carrier neutral

Aruba operates carrier-neutral Data Centers. Many national and international Tier-1 telecommunication carriers operate within each site, with whom our clients are free to manage their own partnerships.

See all the carriers that you can find at our data centers.

IT1, Arezzo
  • TIM
  • Fastweb
  • Wind | Tre
  • Retelit
  • Irideos
  • EXA
  • Cogent
  • Openfiber
IT2, Arezzo
  • TIM
  • Fastweb
  • Wind | Tre
  • Retelit
  • EXA
  • Vodafone
IT3, Milan PSP
  • TIM
  • Fastweb
  • Wind | Tre
  • Retelit
  • Irideos
  • EXA
  • Vodafone
  • OpenFiber
  • MIX
  • Zayo
  • Intred
  • Cogent
  • Planetel
  • Colt
  • Neutrality
  • BSO
  • euNetworks
  • BigTLC
  • Naquadria
  • BT Italia
IT4, Roma
  • Retelit
  • Open Fiber
  • Colt
  • Fastweb
  • Vodafone
  • Sparkle
  • Namex
  • TIM

If your carrier is not on the list, don't worry. Our data centers are connected via dark fiber infrastructures to the main Neutral Access Points (NAP). This offers access to tens of other national and international carriers via low latency connections.

At the IT3 Data Center, traffic can be exchanged with all the operators on the Milan Internet eXchange in Milan, thanks to the MIX Point of Presence.

Managed connectivity

Aruba offers managed connectivity services. You can purchase one or more connections to the Internet with a mix of multi-provider connectivity managed directly by Aruba.

Various options

Internet access, data center interconnection, L3 VPN

Multicloud link

Interconnection with hyperscalers


Multiple levels of connection

The multiple connections, with the perfect mix of Italian and international operators, ensure high standards of performance and redundancy.

datacenter connettività gestita

point to point link

A tailor-made managed connectivity service in your company offices. A point to point link allows you to get the connectivity service you need, keeping control of the routing of links.

  • Exclusive
    connection available for individual customer

  • Convenient
    we handle development and maintenance

  • Versatile
    connect any location with the data center

Private network

The development of a private network means you can interconnect different company offices. The specified locations will communicate with each other via the Aruba network.

  • Simple
    Quick network configuration

  • Secure
    Advanced security traffic standards

  • Scalable
    If your company grows, the private network grows with you

Contact us or book a visit

You can visit our data centers in Italy and the Czech Republic.

Come and see our infrastructures for yourself, or ask for more information.